Friday, February 27, 2009

A big milestone...

Tonight before bath Cole peed in the potty standing up! He was so proud of himself. In case you couldn't tell, we like to celebrate the small things. :-)

These are from this afternoon. This was was moments before Jacob was tackled by Owen (he didn't get hurt).

Here is Cole saying "Hi Daddy!".

And finally here is Jacob playing dead. Yes, you read that right. He likes to fall over at random times and pretend to be dead.

If you click the pictures to view them larger I think they look a little better. The blog seems to compress them and make them a bit pixellated, which drives me nuts.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hip hip hooray!!!

Did I just say that?

Jacob & Cole started mother's day out today. They were so excited. They started yelling "our school!" when we pulled into the parking lot and went to their classroom without looking back. We signed them up to go 1 or 2 mornings a week after months of hearing them scream about wanting to go to school with Owen. They are going to a small preschool at the Methodist Church and when they turn 3 we will transition them to the preschool program where they can go every morning if they want to.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Time is just passing too quickly. All our boys are getting so big. They jumped out of the shower the other night asking me to take their pictures & of course I happily obliged. I love these shots because you can really see their personalities shine through.

Today we had a playdate with some friends of Owen's. He was telling me how he has trouble telling Cooper & Caleb apart because they look the same. We talked about how they're twins and they look alike like Jacob & Cole do. Owen looked at me a bit puzzled & said emphatically "Cole & Jacob don't look the same". I agree, but you'd be surprised how many times a week we get asked how we can possibly tell them apart. Then again the cashiers at Wal Mart also ask us if they're twins every single time we go there...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Jesus and King Cake?

Owen came home from his Mardi Gras party at school and announced that he had found Baby Jesus in the King Cake. :-)

Here's a pic of him at his parade. I couldn't get many shots because I was trying to keep Jacob & Cole contained and Owen's class was the last to come through.

This is from this evening...just hanging around with my boys while Marshall is at work. Funny how they will smile for the camera if I'm in the picture with them, but as soon as I try to take a good picture of them they run the other way.

Remember you can click on the pictures to see them bigger. :-)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

So proud!

Owen is getting so big these's hard to believe he's almost 5. He's still enjoying learning to read and is up to 10 sight words. It's so cute to see him point them out in different places (like the intro to the Star Wars movies). Yesterday his teacher told me something that made me prouder than ever, though. The kids wore superhero costumes to school for their mardi gras parade. Owen's best friend forgot to wear his & was really upset. Apparently Owen comforted him by telling him that he was still a superhero because Peter Parker (aka Spiderman) wears real clothes sometimes and he's still a superhero even when he's not wearing his Spiderman costume. How cute is that?!?!?!? His friend's mom brought a costume in time for the parade, but I just love that Owen was trying to make him feel better and from what I understand was pretty successful at it. He even let all the kids wear his Batman mask & cape on the playground. Oh, and I don't know if it's a cooincidence or not, but Owen was dressed as Batman and the little girl who keeps trying to kiss him was dressed as Batgirl. :-)

Jacob & Cole are as big & fun as ever. Here are a few recent pics of the kids. These are just of Owen & Cole. Jacob is going through a phase of not wanting his picture taken so I'm trying to oblige him as much as possible.

I just found a recent one of Jacob being his silly self.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

These boys...

are so stinkin' cute. We're running out the door to preschool but I had to share this before I forget. Cole peed in the potty & ran out to tell Jacob this morning. Jacob immediately said "good job Cole" and they gave each other a high five.

On another note, Owen is becoming quite the little genius. We're working on reading skills & sight words and he's doing fantastic! The best part is that he loves it, always asks to practice reading, and gets a huge sense of pride when he sees words in his books that he knows.

Here are a few more sleeping pics. Owen likes to nap under piles of clean laundry and Jacob & Cole are still sleeping together at night. Love that!