Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Obsessed much?

In case any of you guys were wondering, Owen's obsession with Star Wars has not diminished at all. It's still his favorite movies/toys/tv show by far, and we'll be having the 2nd Star Wars birthday party in a row in a few weeks. This is how I found him tonight...sleeping with Clone Trooper Rex (yes, he knows their names), a headless Boba Fett and Obi Wan Kenobi on his chest tucked safely under his sheet. We're gearing up for a future of Star Wars Conventions around here.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

smarty pants

dinner conversation is never dull at our house. tonight Owen asked me why it's daylight while we're eating now when it used to be dark. that prompted a discussion about daylight savings time & how our solar system works (complete with cups & water bottles for examples).

a few minutes later he asked to go outside, to which I replied "we can't. the sun is going down & it's going to be dark soon."

he promptly responded "the sun isn't going down. our world is turning."

lucky me

I get to look at these beautiful faces all day. :-)

You'll probably want to click on these to view them bigger.




This morning I took Owen to register him for Kindergarten. I can't believe it's time for that already. Where in the world has the time gone? We went with his best buddy & got a tour of the school. They were so excited and just walked around wide-eyed taking it all in.

Friday, March 20, 2009

lunch with Jacob

Jacob has been avoiding the camera like crazy lately, but yesterday he asked me to take pictures of him eating lunch. Seriously, he really did ask!

We had tuna in a whole wheat pita pocket, veggies with hummus and salad (because I know you're all wondering). :-)

This last one is of Cole. Owen was there but opted out of having his lunch photographed.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Brotherly love

Jacob & Cole truly love each other(and Owen) so much...it's really amazing to see. They sit so closely on the couch to watch tv, they play together and share quite well for 2 year olds. If one wakes before the other in the morning he won't leave the room alone. I'm constantly amazed and in awe of how close they are. That being said they are also quick to throw each other under the bus so to speak. At Dr's appointments they're happy to volunteer the other to go first. When I pick Cole up to change him he immediately starts trying to convince me that Jacob is in fact the one who pooped. And Cole always gets the blame for toys in the floor.

Here is how I found them last night. I just love how their hands are so close. And yep, they were sleeping with underwear over their monster pajamas.

And a rare sighting...moi! I resisted the urge to prettify myself in photoshop, so here I am in all my no makeup, end of the day glory. Just me & my boys. Don't they look enthused?