Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Still Obsessed

It's no secret I am obsessed with the cute, funny & awkward ways my children sleep. Last night I went in Jacob & Cole's room to turn off their light & check on them before I went to bed. This is what I saw:

When I walked over to fix his leg I got a peek at this:

It always amazes me how wild, rambunctious boys look so sweet and peaceful when they're sleeping. I love it.

Monday, July 27, 2009


These 3 would wear costumes all day if they could. We have a costume box that is overflowing with capes, masks, and superhero attire of all kinds. They take their roles as heroes very seriously, flying through the air from the chair to the couch, chasing the furry villain (the poor dog), and anything else they can dream up.

And here's the gist of the conversation that took place on the way to Lee & Carey's Saturday. It's no secret that Owen loves babies, and he was really looking forward to seeing Anne Marie & Catherine.

Owen: When are we going to have our baby girl?

Me: What? Why do you want a baby girl?

Owen: I want a baby to hold all the time. We need a sister.

Me: Well what would you think if we had another boy?

Owen: That would be fine, I just want a baby to hold all the time. I don't want to have to come to Uncle Lee's every time I want to hold a baby.

Marshall: Well, I don't know...we might have 2 babies again.

Owen: Then I'll just have to hold 2 babies all the time. That'd be fine.

Yes, he brought that up completely out of the blue, and no, we are not having a baby any time soon. But it makes me so happy that he loves being a big brother so much. :-)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Meet Diego

Meet Diego, our new puppy. Here he is sitting in his favorite spot - under my desk chair. I was a bit nervous about getting a puppy right now, but he fits into our family perfectly. He's great with the kids and is very laid back.

For those of you who are curious, he is a Havanese. They are fantastic family pets and the best part is they don't shed! We plan to keep his hair short in the "puppy cut".

And here are a couple of the kids from this morning. I'm going to miss these lazy days when school stars in a few weeks!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Bourbon has been staying with us for a few days while Lee & Carey are out of town. All 3 boys (and Izzy) have been enjoying him so much. Marshall & I have enjoyed him, too. He's given us lots of laughs and entertainment, including rooting around in the toy boxes to find tennis balls (he LOVES to play fetch) and roaming the house giving us kisses at night. Oh, and he claimed the white couch as his bed - thankfully it's slipcovered so we can just wash it.

Here are a few photos of the boys helping bathe him.

All clean!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Bendaroos and Coffee

Owen spotted the Bendaroos on top of the fridge this morning & the kids have been playing with them most of the day. It got interesting when Marshall got home and started getting requests to make butterflies, insects, and hippos (which he understood to be "hairbows" and promptly refused to make). He was doing pretty well until Owen requested a scary mask. Well, that turned into glasses and of course they all had to have a pair.

Jacob again

This afternoon we were in Baton Rouge making a quick delivery. Since Jacob & Cole were sleeping I decided to introduce Owen to the fabulous world of Starbucks. As soon as I rolled down the window he asked what that yummy smell was. :-) He got a Frappucino (DECAF!!) and loved it! All our kids love coffee - they're constantly trying to steal sips of my morning coffee. Some days they'll even demand their own, which consists of mostly milk with a splash of coffee and Coffee Mate French Vanilla creamer. So here are a few shots of them sipping away on some Starbucks.

Oh, and we've finally gotten around to changing the music on our blog to something other than Star Wars. Now you can hear some of our favorite Jack Johnson songs if you click through to the actual blog from your e-mail or Google Reader.


Owen has officially taken over the use of my small point & shoot camera. I think he caught the photography bug while tagging along on a photo session with me yesterday. He did a great job making the baby smile and he got some cute shots, too! This morning he decided to get some photos of Jacob & Cole playing around the house. He was not happy at all when the batteries died and it took a few hours to recharge them!

Cole. He wears the cape everywhere, even to the movies. :-)

Jacob trying to hide from Owen.

Cole in the laundry basket.

Notice the underwear??? That's right - we're potty training! Normally they might actually have clothes on during the day (or maybe not) but it's much easier to make those quick trips to the potty when we don't have to fuss with pants. They've both been completely clean & dry all day today!