Tuesday, June 15, 2010

We're back!

Last week we spent 7 days in Gulf Shores. We originally planned to stay only 5 days, but the beaches were beautiful, our condo was great, and the people coming after us canceled out of concern about the oil so we decided to stay a little longer. As expected, we have hundreds of photos from the trip...so many that most haven't even been downloaded off the cards! I'll be sharing more from the trip as I find time, but here are a few taken around our condo. It was located adjacent to a wildlife reservation, so we had beautiful scenery & wildlife right outside our door. (I'm sure Marshall would rather forget about the snake!)

Here's Cole hamming it up for the camera. Yes, he's outside in his boxer shorts.

Owen being his goofy self.

His serious face. Doesn't he look like Dub here????

And now for my favorite part of the whole trip. The first night the kids were out on the deck and we overheard someone say "look at all the hot dogs growing out there". They all got really excited (although Owen denies he did) at this. Curious, we walked out to find them all looking excitedly at the field of cattails next to our condo. Priceless!!

And yes, Jacob was on the trip with us, but he outright refused to be photographed much of the time. You'll see some shots of him as I share some of our adventures. :-)

1 comment:

Paula Hickson Photography Blog said...

so happy ya'll had a great time!! the pics are amazing....LOVE the first image.....